Checking for a proper ground connection could be the answer.
Why is my compressor sluggish or not working properly ? This is a question we receive from time to time and generally the answer is the same : ITS ALL ABOUT VOLTAGE DROP !
The best example of voltage drop you may relate to is when your vehicle engine and your 12v compressor is running, you can hear the compressor running at a certain speed BUT as soon as you turn off the vehicle engine the compressor slows down, sound familiar? That symptom is caused by VOLTAGE DROP, a drop in voltage being supplied to the compressor from 13.8 V to 12V or less depending on the efficiency of your vehicle battery. Thats not a problem at all but there are other things that are not so obvious that can cause far more voltage drop and problems such as :
Cable size and length.
Its a fact that voltage drops over longer distances and at 12 Volts it drops off pretty fast, so when using a heavy load like a compressor, the cable size must be increased to offset the voltage drop. In addition if the cable size is too small it will generate heat, and I mean lots of heat, in some cases it can melt the cables causing safety issues and serious damage. There are some great charts available on the web that calculate the correct size cable to be used for these applications, stay safe and Google it!
This is why Boss has produced specific wiring looms matched with our compressors to take all the guess work away. 12v Compressor Wiring Looms are here-
Poor connections
The second biggest issue we find is when the connections and termination points of heavy load equipment such as compressors is not done correctly, the Voltage drops and the compressor will not run property. It’s also a fact that if a connection is not made cleanly and securely the connection may heat up and eventually cook and break. While that is happening the compressor will either run slowly or intermittently. In that case there is nothing wrong with the compressor, its just the connections but long term voltage loss will damage the compressor.
Make sure your positive and earth connections are very secure and paint free so there are no restrictions to voltage and current flow. REMEMBER this applies to both Positive and Negative connections.
This one is a classic, its all about connectivity, the free flow of electricity. Its OK to start with clean connections and terminals but over time if exposed to the elements under the bonnet or vehicle connections can corrode, you would have seen corrosion on batteries. The same thing can happen to connections so check them before you suspect there is an issue with your compressor.
Its nearly Christmas so give your compressor air tank a present, DRAIN IT! Yep we see it all the time, tanks full of water pushing grit and water through valves. Save the pain and give the tank a drain
Compressors are incredibly reliable but only if the installation is up to standard and maintained so check everything before you blame your compressor.